Birth Control/Contraception

Birth control, also known as contraceptive methods or choices, is used to prevent unplanned pregnancy.

When deciding on a method of contraception, it is important to consider the following:

  • Your medical history
  • Side effects
  • Rate of effectiveness
  • Cost
  • Lifestyle

Learn more about the different types of birth control methods available from the menu on the right – what they are, how they work, and their advantages and disadvantages. Learning about each method will help you choose which is right for you.

There are three types of birth control to consider: Hormonal, Non-hormonal, and Natural Methods.

Hormonal Birth Control:

Non-hormonal Birth Control:

Natural Birth Control:

Does Birth Control Protect Against Sexually Transmitted Infections?

  • Birth control or contraceptive methods are used to prevent pregnancy but do not protect you or your partner(s) from sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBIs).
  • To protect against pregnancy and STBBIs, use dual protection. This means using a condom and/or oral dam (dental dam) with another form of birth control each time you have sex.
  • Talk to your health-care provider or visit a sexual health clinic to find out what form of birth control would work best for you.

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Last updated: 2024-12-12